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Thank you for your generous donation. Here is your receipt.
Donors like you make our work possible, as we strive to provide opportunities for the
women and children of Troncones and surrounding villages through education.
For income tax purposes, it is important for me to state here that you did not receive any
goods or services in return for your donation other than intangible benefits. You made these
out of your own generosity and commitments to Friends of Las Hermanas on behalf of Las
Hermanas. If you have any questions, please feel to reach out to Nancy Carr, President of
Friends of Las Hermanas or myself.
All the best to you and thank you again for your contribution!
Michelle Ryan,
Treasurer, Friends of Las Hermanas
Please retain this receipt for your records.
All gifts to Friends of Las Hermanas, EIN 88-2759309, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization,
are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law
Thank you for the tip! You will see a separate transaction from Snowball Fundraising on your statement.
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